Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, August 22, 2011

What's cookin'?

I just love having Bubs in the kitchen with me, and try to get him in there to help with dinner as often as possible; of course this depends entirely on whether or not we are behind schedule for the evening. Because he is so young, he has really only interested been in the pouring, taste testing, and licking of spatulas. Recently though, we have been talking more about what types of foods are good for you, and counting as we pour or gather. There is so much to be learned in the kitchen, and I am really hoping to instill in him a love of cooking, which is, so far, right on track. I am so pleased to see him branching out trying to do with more, and being willing to try new foods that he has helped prepare.

{please excuse the obviously naked tot!}

This week Bubs was REALLY into shucking corn, He was oh-so serious about "moving the hair to find their ears." I absoolutely could not convince him that they were called ears of corn!

He was so disappointed that the corn didn't have much of a smell. I had personally never smelled an ear of corn before having one waved under my nose by a very angry Bubs.

After finally sitting down and writing this post, I am really excited to start documenting and sharing these memories and kitchen creations. I hope you all enjoy them as much as we do!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nature Hike

Over the weekend we decided to get out and get some hiking in while the weather is still nice. I am so grateful for our time here in the Pacific Northwest, because never have I lived somewhere where you can take a walk through the mountains and come out at the ocean!

I am really not much of a photographer, so this picture doesn't do justice. I will say though, that I cannot wait for the fall!

Very rarely do we have any kind of agenda when we're out communing with nature, but today we were actively looking for walking sticks. This one was, "perfect Bubby-doo size".

We talked a lot about sounds today. Bubs was a little confused by the different bird sounds, but he was so excited to pick up on the sound of a stream, and be able to actually see how it was being made. After this,  he told everyone we passed!

"The tunnel' is absolutely Bubs' favorite part of the day, we use it to motivate him to walk the whole mile and a half down. It doesn't hurt that we almost always see a train! :)

And THIS is my  motivation to be patient: The view just on the other side of the tunnel.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sensory Tub: Second try

We tried a sensory tub a few months back that really didn't go over well. Bubs was going through a throwing phase, and everything ended up on the floor, leaving us both a bit frustrated. This time, though? It was a HUGE hit, so much so that I think I will be doing monthly themed tubs as soon as I gather a few more supplies! I absolutely love the sensory ideas over on COUNTING COCONUTS. (You can check her out for yourself! Her button is right over on my sidebar.)

This particular tub is really just filled with whatever I had on hand. I'm pretty sure though, that unless it had been construction or LOTW themed, Bubs would not even have noticed.

Guess Who Knows His ABCs?!

I'm so excited that Bubs has his ABCs down! All of this letter crafting is obviously paying off!